Procedure for Styling a Document with a Color Theme
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Editorial and License Information
This document was written by emsenn and is released as software under the terms included in the "License" supplement. Please direct comments to their public inbox or, if necessary, email.
2 DRAFTING Procedure for Styling a Document with a Color Theme
This section is an explanation of how to build a color styling for a document by using color attribute parameters consisting of at least a primary hue, but optionally saturation, light, and a secondary set of color parameters. (This grouping of color attribute parameters is referred to as a color theme.)
The first section below, [Themes](#themes), further specifies that definition of a color theme.
The second section below, [Color Definitions](#color-definitions), documents how the specific colors to be used in the color styling are generated from the color theme. The specific colors are:
- [Primary Color](#primary-color), which is used in patterns and lines in the document.
- [Secondary Color](#secondary-color), which is used to fill white space.
- [Background Color](#background-color), which is used behind text.
- [Font Color](#font-color), which is used to color the text.
- [Background Contrast Color](#background-contrast-color), which is used to highlight text against the background.
- [Font Contrast Color](#font-contrast-color), which is used to color text within an element using the background contrast color.
The third section below, [Elements](#elements), specifies which colors should be applied to which parts of a document. The colored elements are:
- [Primary Pattern Fill](#primary-pattern-fill), the line color of the background pattern in HTML documents
- [Background](#background), the color of the document's margins
- [Content Background](#content-background), the color of the background of the document's content.
3 Themes
A color theme is a set of parameters representing up to two sets of color attribute parameters: a set of hue, saturation, and light. (It may be useful to read the [Wikipedia article on the HSL color model](
The only required parameter is primary hue (primaryHue
): this defines where the
primary color value is in a circular red-green-blue color space. That is, a hue of 0 or
360 is red, 120 is green, and 240 is blue.
The primary saturation parameter defines the colorfulness of the primary color parameter, and is a measure of percent. The primary light parameter defines the tint or shade of the primary color value, and is a measure of percent with 0 being shaded pure black and 100 being tinted pure white.
The [Color Definitions](#color-definitions) below come with conditions for assuming any missing parameters.
4 Color Definitions
4.1 Primary Color
The primary color is used in the [primary pattern fill](#primary pattern-fill) element.
4.1.1 Primary Color Hue
The primary color hue is defined by the color theme's primary hue. If that is not set, 200, a blue, is used as the default.
if primaryHue: Hue = primaryHue else: Hue = 200
4.1.2 Primary Color Saturation
The primary color saturation is defined by the color theme's primary saturation. If
that is not set but secondary saturation is and is greater than 60%, the primary color
saturation is defined as 80%
. Otherwise, it is defined as 60%
if primarySaturation: Saturation = primarySaturation else if secondarySaturation: if secondarySaturation > 60: Saturation = 80 else: Saturation = 60
4.1.3 Primary Color Light
The primary color light is defined by the color theme's primary light. If that is not set, but the secondary light is, primary color light is defined as the difference between 100 and it. Otherwise, primary color light is defined as 20.
if primaryLight: Light = primaryLight else if secondaryLight: Light = (100 - secondaryLight) else: Light = 20
4.2 Secondary Color
The secondary color is used in the [background](#background) element.
4.2.1 Secondary Color Hue
The secondary color hue is defined by the theme's secondary hue. If that is not set, but primary hue is, it is used instead. Otherwise, a default hue of 200, a blue, is used.
if secondaryHue: Hue = secondaryHue else if primaryHue: Hue = primaryHue else: Hue = 200
4.2.2 Secondary Color Saturation
The secondary color saturation is defined by the theme's secondary saturation. If that is not set, but primary saturation is, that value is used unless it is greater than 50 in which case the difference between it and 50 is subtracted from 50 and used. Otherwise, a value of 20 is used.
if secondarySaturation: Saturation = secondarySaturation else if primarySaturation: if primarySaturation > 50: Saturation = (50 - (primarySaturation - 50)) else: Saturation = primarySaturation else: Saturation = 20
4.2.3 Secondary Color Light
The secondary color light is defined by the theme's secondary light. If that is not set, but primary light is, the secondary color light is defined as the difference between 100 and it. Otherwise, a value of 20 is used.
if secondaryLight: Light = secondaryLight else if primaryLight: Light = (100 - primaryLight) else: Light = 80
4.3 Background Color
The background color is used for the [content background](#content-background) element.
4.3.1 Background Color Hue
The background color hue is defined by the theme's secondary hue. If that is not provided, but primary hue is, that is used. Otherwise, a value of 200 is used.
if secondaryHue: Hue = secondaryHue else if primaryHue: Hue = primaryHue else: Hue = 200
4.3.2 Background Color Saturation
The background color saturation is defined by the theme's secondary saturation. If that is not provided, but the primary saturation is, that is used. Otherwise, a value of 20 is used.
if secondarySaturation: Saturation = secondarySaturation else if primarySaturation: Saturation = primarySaturation else: Saturation = 20
4.3.3 Background Color Light
The background color light is defined as the theme's secondary light divided by 10 added to 90. If the secondary light is not provided, the primary light is used instead. Otherwise, a value of 98 is used.
if secondaryLight: Light = ((secondaryLight / 10) + 90) else if primaryLight: Light = ((primaryLight / 10) + 90) else: Light = 90
4.4 DRAFTING Font Color
The font color is used for the [content text](#content-text) element.
4.4.1 DRAFTING Font Color Hue
The font color hue is defined by the theme's primary hue. If that is not provided, a default of 200 is used.
if primaryHue: Hue = primaryHue else: Hue = 200
4.4.2 DRAFTING Font Color Saturation
The font color saturation is defined as the theme's primary saturation divided by 5 added to 20. If that is not provided, a default of 24 is used.
if primarySaturation: Saturation = ((primarySaturation / 5) + 20) else: Saturation = 24
4.4.3 DRAFTING Font Color Light
The font color light is defined as the theme's primary light divided by 10 added to 15. If that is not provided, a default of 18 is used.
if primaryLight: Light = ((primaryLight / 10) + 15) else: Light = 18
4.5 DRAFTING Background Contrast Color
The background contrast color is used for the [selection](#selection) and [focused](#focused) elements.
4.5.1 DRAFTING Background Contrast Hue
The background contrast hue is defined by the theme's primary hue. If that is not provided, a default of 200 is used.
if primaryHue: Hue = primaryHue else: Hue = 200
4.5.2 DRAFTING Background Contrast Saturation
The background contrast saturation is defined as the theme's primary saturation, unless that parameter is less than fifty, in which case the parameter is added to 50 and used. If primary saturation is not set, a default value of 70 is used.
if primarySaturation: if primarySaturation < 50: Saturation = (primarySaturation + 50) else: Saturation = 70
4.5.3 DRAFTING Background Contrast Light
The background contrast light is defined as the theme's…
4.6 Element Coloring
4.6.1 Primary Pattern Fill
The primary pattern fill is defined as the [primary color](#primary-color), and is used to color the lines in the pattern used in the document's background.
4.6.2 Page Background
The page background is defined as the [secondary color](#secondary-color).
In HTML documents, it is used as the color for the background-color
rule in the <body>
4.6.3 Content Background
The content background is defined as the [background color](#background-color).
In HTML documents, it is used as the color for the background-color
rule in the
, <main>
, and <footer>