Data Asset Manifest

Table of Contents


This proposal is about a prototype specification. It is likely to be incomplete, self-contradicting, and flawed.

This proposal contains the specification for a data asset manifest and data asset manifest channel, formats for maintaining a record about a piece of (implicitly digital) content and a listing of those records.

This proposal was created by me, emsenn, in the United States. To the extent possible under law, I have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this document. This document was created for the benefit of the public. If you're viewing it on a remote server, you're encouraged to download your own copy. To learn how you can support me, see

Data Asset Manifest


A data asset manifest is a record of declarations about a data asset, an (implicitly digital) resource such as an essay or illustration.1 The record, or manifest, includes at least information about available versions and sources of the asset, and may include information about its title, creator, license, and more.

     ("location" . "")
     ("formats" . ("html"))))))

This example includes all of the manifest's required elements, and nothing else. The identifier of the data asset is shaggy-dog-tale, it has a single version called current available, whcih is available at a single source, sourcehut, which stores the asset at in a single format, html.

A data asset manifest channel is a list of manifests without duplicate identifiers.

A note on convention. Many variables (including function names) will be prefixed with dam-. This an initialism of data asset manifest, and its use as a prefix is a convention in Emacs Lisp to avoid contaminating the general namespace.

To see all code implemented below in a single file, see the included dam.el file or the "All Code" section of the "Supplements".

Data Asset Manifest Structure

Version added

This section explains all recognized elements of a data asset manifest.

DRAFT Creator

Version added

The creator declaration of a manifest is expected to a string of one or more names, of the people and organizations who made the asset. It might be used in a sentence like, "This asset was made by creator." Here's some examples of a creator declaration

DRAFT Descrption

Version added

DRAFT License

Version added


Version added

DRAFT Versions

Version added
DRAFT Source
Version added
DRAFT Formats
Version added
DRAFT Location
Version added

DRAFT Data Asset Manifest Channel Structure

A data asset manifest channel is a list of data asset manifests. In the future it may include information abotu the channel, such as contact information for its maintainer.

DRAFT Example Data Asset Manifest Channel

Version added

This is my actual manifest channel, that I'm maintaining as I develop this specification.

(setq dam-channels
          ("name" . "Brutstrap CSS")
          ("description" . "a cascading stylesheet for representing HTML content as it is constructed.")
          ("creator" . "emsenn")
          ("license" . "CC0")
             ("location" . "")
             ("formats" . ("html" "md" "pdf" "tex" "txt")))))))))



The following sections contains functions for working with a data asset manifest and data asset manifest channel. These functions are implemented in Emacs Lisp.

Channel Functions

DRAFT Get Channels
(defun dam-get-channels
    (loop for channel
          in dam-channels
          collect (car channel)))
DRAFT Get Channel
(defun dam-get-channel
  (cdr (assoc channel dam-channels)))
DRAFT Get Manifests
Version added

This function builds a list of all the identifiers in the given channel.

(defun dam-get-manifests
  "Return a list of the manifests recorded in CHANNEL."
  (loop for manifest
        in (dam-get-channel channel)
        collect (car manifest)))
DRAFT Get Manifest
Version added

This function returns the manifest of the given identifier on the given channel.

(defun dam-get-manifest
    (channel id)
  "Return manifest ID from CHANNEL."
  (assoc id (dam-get-channel channel)))

Manifest Functions

DRAFT Get Manifest Versions
Version added
(defun dam-get-versions
    (channel id)
  "Get the declared versions of ID from CHANNEL."
  (loop for versions
        in (cdr
            (assoc "versions"
                   (dam-get-manifest channel id)))
        collect (car versions)))
DRAFT Get Version
Version added
(defun dam-get-version
    (channel id version)
  "Return VERSION of ID from CHANNEL."
  (cdr (assoc version (cdr (assoc "versions" (dam-get-manifest channel id))))))
DRAFT Get Version Sources
Version added
(defun dam-get-sources
    (channel id version)
  "Return a list of sources for VERSION of ID."
  (loop for source
        in (dam-get-version channel id version)
        collect (car source)))
DRAFT Get Source
Version added
(defun dam-get-source
    (channel id version source)
  "Return SOURCE for VERSION of ID."
  (cdr (assoc source (dam-get-version channel id version))))
DRAFT Get Source Location
Version added
(defun dam-get-location
    (channel id version source)
  "Return the location for VERSION of ID at SOURCE."
  (cdr (assoc "location" (dam-get-source channel id version source)))
DRAFT Get Source Formats
(defun dam-get-formats
    (channel id version source)
  "Return the available formats for VERSION of ID at SOURCE from
  (cdr (assoc "formats" (dam-get-source channel id version source))))
DRAFT Get Format Path
(defun dam-get-path
    (channel id version source format)
  "Return a url for the VERSION of ID at SOURCE from CHANNEL in FORMAT."
   (dam-get-location channel id version source)


Open Asset in Buffer

Version added

This function is interactive - it can be run as a command. Right now it assumes you know the exact name of the channel, id, version, source, and format that you want.

(defun dam-open-asset
    (channel id version source format)
  "Open VERSION of ID from SOURCE from CHANNEL in FORMAT."
  (interactive "schannel: \nsid: \nsversion: \nssource: \nsformat :")
    channel id
    version source format)))



data asset manifest channel
data asset manifest
data asset
data asset manifest version
data asset manifest source
data asset manifest title
data asset manifest creator
data asset manifest license
data asset manifest identifier
Emacs Lisp function, interactive
Emacs Lisp


Data Asset Manifest

This proposal is about a prototype specification. It is likely to be incomplete, self-contradicting, and flawed.

This proposal contains the specification for a data asset manifest and data asset manifest channel, formats for maintaining a record about a piece of (implicitly digital) content and a listing of those records.

This proposal was created by me, emsenn, in the United States. To the extent possible under law, I have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this document. This document was created for the benefit of the public. If you're viewing it on a remote server, you're encouraged to download your own copy. To learn how you can support me, see

All Code

(setq dam-channels
          ("name" . "Brutstrap CSS")
          ("description" . "a cascading stylesheet for representing HTML content as it is constructed.")
          ("creator" . "emsenn")
          ("license" . "CC0")
             ("location" . "")
             ("formats" . ("html" "md" "pdf" "tex" "txt")))))))))
(defun dam-get-channels
    (loop for channel
          in dam-channels
          collect (car channel)))
(defun dam-get-channel
  (cdr (assoc channel dam-channels)))
(defun dam-get-manifests
  "Return a list of the manifests recorded in CHANNEL."
  (loop for manifest
        in (dam-get-channel channel)
        collect (car manifest)))
(defun dam-get-manifest
    (channel id)
  "Return manifest ID from CHANNEL."
  (assoc id (dam-get-channel channel)))
(defun dam-get-versions
    (channel id)
  "Get the declared versions of ID from CHANNEL."
  (loop for versions
        in (cdr
            (assoc "versions"
                   (dam-get-manifest channel id)))
        collect (car versions)))
(defun dam-get-version
    (channel id version)
  "Return VERSION of ID from CHANNEL."
  (cdr (assoc version (cdr (assoc "versions" (dam-get-manifest channel id))))))
(defun dam-get-sources
    (channel id version)
  "Return a list of sources for VERSION of ID."
  (loop for source
        in (dam-get-version channel id version)
        collect (car source)))
(defun dam-get-source
    (channel id version source)
  "Return SOURCE for VERSION of ID."
  (cdr (assoc source (dam-get-version channel id version))))
(defun dam-get-location
    (channel id version source)
  "Return the location for VERSION of ID at SOURCE."
  (cdr (assoc "location" (dam-get-source channel id version source)))
(defun dam-get-formats
    (channel id version source)
  "Return the available formats for VERSION of ID at SOURCE from
  (cdr (assoc "formats" (dam-get-source channel id version source))))
(defun dam-get-path
    (channel id version source format)
  "Return a url for the VERSION of ID at SOURCE from CHANNEL in FORMAT."
   (dam-get-location channel id version source)
(defun dam-open-asset
    (channel id version source format)
  "Open VERSION of ID from SOURCE from CHANNEL in FORMAT."
  (interactive "schannel: \nsid: \nsversion: \nssource: \nsformat :")
    channel id
    version source format)))


#+title: Data Asset Manifest
#+export_file_name: ./data-asset-manifest
#+options: prop:("version-added" "version-changed") todo:t
#+html_head: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../brutstrap-css/brutstrap.css">
#+macro: document-type proposal
#+toc: headlines 7 :only-contents t
* Introduction
  :CUSTOM_ID: introduction

This {{{doc}}} contains the specification for a /data asset manifest/
and /data asset manifest channel/, formats for maintaining a record
about a piece of (implicitly digital) content and a listing of those

* Data Asset Manifest
  :header-args: :results value silence :eval no-export :noweb yes :tangle ./dam.el :padline no
** Overview

A /data asset manifest/ is a record of /declarations/ about a /data
asset/, an (implicitly digital) resource such as an essay or
illustration.[fn:1] The record, or /manifest/, includes at least information
about available /versions/ and /sources/ of the /asset/, and may
include information about its /title/, /creator/, /license/, and more.

#+name: manifest-example
#+begin_src elisp :eval no :tangle nil
       ("location" . "")
       ("formats" . ("html"))))))

This example includes all of the /manifest's/ required elements, and
nothing else. The /identifier/ of the /data asset/ is
=shaggy-dog-tale=, it has a single version called =current= available,
whcih is available at a single source, =sourcehut=, which stores the
/asset/ at = in a single format,

A /data asset manifest channel/ is a list of /manifests/ without
duplicate /identifiers/.

A note on convention. Many variables (including function names) will
be prefixed with =dam-=. This an initialism of /data asset manifest/,
and its use as a prefix is a convention in /Emacs Lisp/ to avoid
contaminating the general namespace.

To see all code implemented below in a single file, see the included
[[file:./dam.el][=dam.el=]] file or the [[#all-code]["All Code"]] section of the [[#supplements]["Supplements"]].
** Data Asset Manifest Structure
- Version added :: 0.1.0
This section explains all recognized elements of a /data asset
*** DRAFT Creator
- Version added :: 0.1.0
The /creator/ /declaration/ of a /manifest/ is expected to a string of one or more
names, of the people and organizations who made the /asset/. It might
be used in a sentence like, "This asset was made by /creator/." Here's
some examples of a /creator/ declaration
*** DRAFT Descrption
- Version added :: 0.1.0
*** DRAFT License
- Version added :: 0.1.0
*** DRAFT Name
- Version added :: 0.1.0
*** DRAFT Versions
- Version added :: 0.1.0
**** DRAFT Source
- Version added :: 0.1.0
***** DRAFT Formats
- Version added :: 0.1.0
***** DRAFT Location
- Version added :: 0.1.0
** DRAFT Data Asset Manifest Channel Structure
A /data asset manifest channel/ is a list of /data asset manifests/.
In the future it may include information abotu the channel, such as
contact information for its maintainer.
** DRAFT Example Data Asset Manifest Channel
   :CUSTOM_ID: example-data-asset-manifest-channel
- Version added :: 0.1.0
This is my actual /manifest channel/, that I'm maintaining as I
develop this specification.
#+name: my-manifest-channel
#+caption: An included version of my personal /data asset manifest channel/.
#+begin_src elisp
  (setq dam-channels
            ("name" . "Brutstrap CSS")
            ("description" . "a cascading stylesheet for representing HTML content as it is constructed.")
            ("creator" . "emsenn")
            ("license" . "CC0")
               ("location" . "")
               ("formats" . ("html" "md" "pdf" "tex" "txt")))))))))
** Functions
*** Overview
The following sections contains functions for working with a /data
asset manifest/ and /data asset manifest channel/. These functions are
implemented in /Emacs Lisp/.

*** Channel Functions
**** DRAFT Get Channels
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-get-channels
      (loop for channel
            in dam-channels
            collect (car channel)))
**** DRAFT Get Channel
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-get-channel
    (cdr (assoc channel dam-channels)))
**** DRAFT Get Manifests
- Version added :: 0.1.0
This function builds a list of all the /identifiers/ in the given
#+name: define-get-manifests
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-get-manifests
    "Return a list of the manifests recorded in CHANNEL."
    (loop for manifest
          in (dam-get-channel channel)
          collect (car manifest)))
**** DRAFT Get Manifest
- Version added :: 0.1.0
This function returns the /manifest/ of the given /identifier/ on the
given /channel/.
#+name: define-get-manifest
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-get-manifest
      (channel id)
    "Return manifest ID from CHANNEL."
    (assoc id (dam-get-channel channel)))
*** Manifest Functions
**** DRAFT Get Manifest Versions
- Version added :: 0.1.0
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-get-versions
      (channel id)
    "Get the declared versions of ID from CHANNEL."
    (loop for versions
          in (cdr
              (assoc "versions"
                     (dam-get-manifest channel id)))
          collect (car versions)))
**** DRAFT Get Version
- Version added :: 0.1.0
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-get-version
      (channel id version)
    "Return VERSION of ID from CHANNEL."
    (cdr (assoc version (cdr (assoc "versions" (dam-get-manifest channel id))))))
**** DRAFT Get Version Sources
- Version added :: 0.1.0
#+begin_src elisp
(defun dam-get-sources
    (channel id version)
  "Return a list of sources for VERSION of ID."
  (loop for source
        in (dam-get-version channel id version)
        collect (car source)))
**** DRAFT Get Source
- Version added :: 0.1.0
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-get-source
      (channel id version source)
    "Return SOURCE for VERSION of ID."
    (cdr (assoc source (dam-get-version channel id version))))
**** DRAFT Get Source Location
- Version added :: 0.1.0
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-get-location
      (channel id version source)
    "Return the location for VERSION of ID at SOURCE."
    (cdr (assoc "location" (dam-get-source channel id version source)))
**** DRAFT Get Source Formats
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-get-formats
      (channel id version source)
    "Return the available formats for VERSION of ID at SOURCE from
    (cdr (assoc "formats" (dam-get-source channel id version source))))
**** DRAFT Get Format Path
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-get-path
      (channel id version source format)
    "Return a url for the VERSION of ID at SOURCE from CHANNEL in FORMAT."
     (dam-get-location channel id version source)
** Operations
*** Open Asset in Buffer
- Version added :: 0.1.0
This function is /interactive/ - it can be run as a command. Right now
it assumes you know the exact name of the /channel/, /id/, /version/,
/source/, and /format/ that you want.
#+begin_src elisp
  (defun dam-open-asset
      (channel id version source format)
    "Open VERSION of ID from SOURCE from CHANNEL in FORMAT."
    (interactive "schannel: \nsid: \nsversion: \nssource: \nsformat :")
      channel id
      version source format)))
* Suppplements
  :CUSTOM_ID: supplements
** Index
   :CUSTOM_ID: index
- data asset manifest channel ::
- data asset manifest ::
- data asset ::
- data asset manifest version ::
- data asset manifest source ::
- data asset manifest title ::
- data asset manifest creator ::
- data asset manifest license ::
- data asset manifest identifier ::
- Emacs Lisp function, interactive ::
- Emacs Lisp ::
*** {{{title}}}
#+include: "./" :only-contents t
** All Code
   :CUSTOM_ID: all-code
#+include: "./dam.el" src elisp
** Source
   :CUSTOM_ID: source
#+include: "./" src elisp

** Footnotes

[fn:1] More precisely, it points to the data representation of such a
work. Rather than "an essay," which is the abstract concept of the
contents of a piece of writing, it points to an /HTML/ file located on
a computer, which is a rendering of the essay. As most folk say "that
article," when referring to "the /HTML/ document hosted on this
specific webserver at this specific address," unless there is a need
to be more precise, I'll refer to the data representation of a thing
(html file containing an essay) as the thing (an essay).



More precisely, it points to the data representation of such a work. Rather than "an essay," which is the abstract concept of the contents of a piece of writing, it points to an HTML file located on a computer, which is a rendering of the essay. As most folk say "that article," when referring to "the HTML document hosted on this specific webserver at this specific address," unless there is a need to be more precise, I'll refer to the data representation of a thing (html file containing an essay) as the thing (an essay).

Author: emsenn

Created: 2019-06-14 Fri 20:30
