Email with Emacs

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

In this file I'll write about my process for learning how to use Emacs for reading and sending email.

1.1 Draft

This document is a draft: it is incomplete in one or more ways.

1.2 Editorial and License Information

This document was written by emsenn and is released as software under the terms included in the "License" supplement. Please direct comments to their public inbox or, if necessary, email.

1.3 Literate Programming

This document is implemented using the literate programming paradigm. The "software" being presented is included as sections of code, within a longer piece of prose which explains the code's purpose and usage. For a more complete explanation of my implementation of the paradigm, see "Literate Programming" in my Style Manual.

2 Email with Emacs

3 Supplements

3.1 License

Created: 2019-04-29 Mon 01:19
