Oats is a simple and neutral CSS theme created by emsenn.
License and Editorial Information
This document and the source code it contains are released under the MIT License and maintained at https://git.sr.ht/~emsenn/oats.
Table of Contents
Design Philosophy
The Oats theme is based on my own Brutstrap, which claims to style content as it's constructed.
However, Brutstrap is catered toward a rather stark aesthetic, to make it more readily match the brutalism advocated by David Bryant Copeland.
Oats tries to be a little softer and more friendly. While nothing about the stylesheet contradicts the brutalist priciples Copeland provides, it does a little more styling than is strictly necessary.
CSS Rules
All of Oats CSS lives in a single style-sheet, oats.css
Base Rules
The theme's base rules are those that go with HTML tags directly.
HTML Tag Rules
Document-wide settings, including those relevant to font-styling, are
declared in the html
html { color: #444; background-color: #eee;
These colors are the lowest-contrast, three-digit hex codes that still pass WCAG2 AAA.
hyphens: auto; font-family: sans-serif; letter-spacing: .03em; word-spacing: .05em; line-height: 1.4; font-size: 1.3rem; }
Adding some spacing between letters and words helps make the document feel a little more "friendly," and makes it a little safer to use more distinctive fonts in your body text.
Body Tag Rules
body { margin: 0; }
Header Tag Rules
header { overflow: hidden; padding: 1rem 0 3rem 0; }
Main Tag Rules
main{ width: 85vw; max-width: 40rem; margin: -4rem auto -6rem; padding: 3rem 2rem 6rem; }
Footer Tag Rules
footer { padding: 4rem 1rem 1rem; }
Headline Tag Rules
H1 Tag Rules
h1 { font-weight: normal; font-size: 2.8em; text-shadow: .08em .03em .03em rgba(68,68,68,.3); margin: 0; padding: 0 .5em; }
H2 through H6 Tag Rules
h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7,h8,h9 { text-align: center; font-style: bold; letter-spacing: 0.1em; }
Link Tag Rules
a { color: #31B; text-decoration: underline dotted #4447; text-shadow: 0 0 .1em rgba(68,68,68,.2); } a:visited { color: #718; } a:hover { color: #42C; outline-style: none; text-decoration: underline solid #42c3; text-shadow: 0 0 .1em #31b7; } a:focus { color: #42C; outline-style: none; text-decoration: underline solid #42c3; text-shadow: 0 0 .1em #31b7; } a:visited:hover, a:visited:focus { color: #918; text-decoration: underline solid #9183; text-shadow: 0 0 .1em #7187; }
Image Tag Rules
img { max-width: 100%; max-height: 20em; }
Partials Rules
Skip-to-Content Rules
.skipToContentLink { opacity: 0; position: absolute; } .skipToContentLink:focus{ opacity:1 }
State Rules
Selection Rules
::selection { color: #222; background-color: #777; }
Demonstration HTML Document
<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <link href="https://gmpg.org/xfn/11" rel="profile"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="description" content="Oats is a simple and neutral CSS theme."> <meta name="keywords" content="oats, css, theme"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./oats.css"> <title>Oats</title> </head> <body> <a class="skipToContentLink" href="#content">Skip to Content</a> <header> <h1>Oats</h1> </header> <main id="content"> <p> Oats is a simple and neutral CSS theme. </p> <section id="features"> <h2>Features</h2> <ul> <li> <strong>Very little,</strong> honestly. </li> </ul> </section> </main> </body> </html>